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Internet features


FTPGenius is the FTP client shipped with ZipGenius. In previous versions it used to be integrated within ZipGenius executable, offering a great saving of kilobytes when producing the setup package; this technique was good until Windows XP« came out, asking to developers to redesign their product to comply with the new operating system. FTPGenius now is detached from ZipGenius and it is included only in SUITE Edition package (STD. Edition users can download it from

FTPGenius is still a basic, yet good, client to connect to FTP servers over the Web. "FTP" is an ancronym which stands for File Transfer Protocol, a "language" used to connect two computers through a network, only to send or get files. FTP is an alternative route to download files from the Internet, because often HTTP way is busy and becomes very slow, because that is the way used by browsers to request and show documents, pictures and multimedia streams; FTP is almost faster than HTTP because it is used only for files to be transferred.

You can run FTPGenius (if installed) from the "Tools" menu in ZipGenius, from the "Quick Launch" bar shortcut or from the Start menu shortcut.

FTPGenius is really easy to configure and use.

Create an account

  1. First of all you must click on "Connect" to see a dialog where you can set or choose a connection to an FTP server. If no connection is available, create it:
  2. Optionally you can configure FTPGenius to connect through a proxy server in the related "Proxy settings" page
  3. Finally you can set some options that might improve your FTP connection. "NOOP" setting tells the program how many seconds must pass to send a "NOOP" command to the FTP server, in order to tell it that you are still connected (NOT ALL FTP SERVERS UNDERSTAND THIS COMMAND); "Timeout" setting tells how many seconds must pass to consider a command failed. Check "Keep alive" box to force FTPGenius to send a "PWD" command to server at random intervals: this might help to keep you connected to the server.

Connection to a server
Select a connection between those available and click on "Start": FTPGenius will start FTP connection to the specified address.

Browsing a server
When connected, you will see the remote folder in the left pane, just as you see local folders in Windows Explorer; when you click on a folder, its content will appear in the right pane.

Transferring files
First of all you have to set which type of transfer you want to do: ASCII or BINARY. Set ASCII when transferring text files or similar, set BINARY for other types. Leaving AUTO set is a good idea, anyway. Check the "PASV" box if FTP server requires passive transfers.
Browse server to the destination folder and click the "Upload" button, then choose one or more files to transfer. You will see a progress dialog telling you how many files must be sent, how many bytes have been sent and the percentage of completion. When transfer will be complete, you will get a message on screen.

-DOWNLOAD: Browse server to find the files to be downloaded, select them and click the "Download" button. FTPGenius will ask you to choose a destination folder for files being downloaded. When transfer will be finished, you wil get a message.

Managing remote folders
Depending by FTP server settings, you can create, delete or rename folders, and you can rename or delete files. Select a folder or one (or more) file(s) and right-click: you will see a popup menu that will allow you to do these actions.

Sending attachments and publishing to the Web | FTPGenius | UU/XX/MIME Base64 encoding